Goldenrod raw honey is harvested in Poland from three types of goldenrod plant: Solidago Virgaurea, Solidago Gigantea and Solidago Canadensis. Its pro-health benefits make it one of the healthiest honey in the World. Our goldenrod raw honey contains the highest natural antibiotic properties among all the various types of honey. The research cooperation we conduct with Cracow Agricultural University has proven that even small amount of goldenrod honey contains high active natural antibacterial (antibiotic) properties which is the ability to kill bacteria. Goldenrod raw honey also contains very high flavonoid levels such as rutin, quercetin, organic acids and tannins.
Goldenrod honey from Raglan apiaries
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Goldenrod honey storage conditions
Goldenrod raw honey loves cool temperatures. Due to its high antibacterial levels, goldenrod honey is a very fragile honey, not resistant to long exposure to higher temperatures (+18C). In order to avoid natural fermentation process of the honey (as its natural properties and structure were not damaged due to the heating process) it is recommended to store it below 8 degrees C. The exception is when the honey is consumed within 4 weeks after purchase.
All goldenrod raw honey batches vary from one another in terms of color, aroma and taste intensity as we harvest it from the separated apiaries. We never blend our raw honey hence consuming our honey is a real tasting journey. The higher the content of the goldenrod pollen the more intense acidic flavor is experienced in the honey. However late goldenrod season created opportunity for the bees to gather and add other nectar like: heather, buckwheat, tobacco, globe-thistle or echinocystis.
Raglan harvest and extraction process allows to preserve all raw honey pro health benefits. We never heat treat nor filter honey that we harvest. After comb extraction, the honey is poured through the 3 layer sieves and allowed for settlement during 3 day period. Goldenrod raw honey has to be stored under refrigeration due to its high antibiotic properties.
Types of goldenrod
Goldenrod is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, growing wild inmeadows, thickets, bright forests, rivers and areas not cultivated throughout Poland. In full bloom, tiny goldenrod flowers clustered together in a baskethave a beautiful golden yellow color. Larger groups of goldenrod emit anintense sweet herbal scent. She is known as mimosa or goldsmith. Goldenrodis a real treasure for bees because it provides bees with valuable pollen andnectar in the key preparatory period for overwintering.
Goldenrod is a native species that grows to a height of 1 meter as a single stiff stem. At the end of the stem, the flowers clump into baskets of several flowers. Its characteristic is that it occurs in sandy areas where other types of goldenrod can rarely be found. It blooms from late July to the beginning of September.
The plant is considered invasive and as the name suggests it native to North America. It blooms from mid-August to mid-October under favorable weather conditions. Its shape resembles the reverse of a pyramid, where at the ends of the stems the flowers clump together dense baskets relatively far from the stem. In wet terrain, it can reach up to 2 meters in height
Giant goldenrod in its color seems to be the most intense because its flowers are clustered into very densed baskets. It likes wetlands, which is why it is often found near rivers or in peat bogs. Single tiny flowers do not emit much nectar, so we have to look for large areas with its occurrence. It blooms from the second half of July and blooms until mid-September